Sega Tetris (セガテトリス Sega Tetorisu) is a video game published by Sega for the NAOMI arcade platform and Dreamcast home consoles in Japan. It is reminiscent to Sega's earlier Tetris titles, featuring a similar rotation system, changing backgrounds, and a monkey as the primary mascot.
Despite the era in which the game was released, it has many design decisions that signal its 1988 Sega Tetris heritage. The randomizer is pure random, and the original Sega Tetris power-on pattern makes an appearance during the credit roll. While the game does have both counter-clockwise and clockwise rotation buttons, it awards a massive point bonus for clearing the game using only counter-clockwise rotation. Wallkicks have been added, but they will only kick off of the literal left and right walls of the playfield rather than off of other pieces.