Next Generation Beigoma Battle: Beyblade (次世代ベーゴマバトル ベイブレード, Jisedai Bēgoma Batoru Beiburēdo) was the very first Beyblade video game released, and also acted as a prototype for many of the concepts of the Beyblade franchise. It was a Game Boy Color video game released in conjunction with the first three Beyblades ever produced: Ultimate Dragoon, Frostic Dranzer and Saizo. It is the very first installment of the Beyblade franchise, followed by the manga Bakuten Shoot Beyblade.
Compared to the rest of the Beyblade franchise, this game represents some unique ideas and concepts that were never carried on into the main Beyblade series itself. It bears more of a resemblance to Pokémon in style and is the only game within the Beyblade franchise which is a true "J-RPG" style. The player goes around the storyline collecting bits and Beyblade parts while fighting enemies and progressing throughout the game.
Each bit-beast has its own unique attack (though some do nothing until their bits upgrade themselves to their final form) and like Pokémon certain ones also evolve when the bits reach a certain experience (there are 3 stages like Pokémon).
At the start of the game, there are limited things Tyson can do. After getting the rank of "C", the player is given TP, the currency of the game allowing them to purchase items, after winning battles TP is now also awarded not just experience for the Bits. The WBA buildings also become available, here you can exchange stores Beyblades, connect to other players or look at each buildings list of trades.
Each bit also has a typing which contributes a little bit of the battle against other types, much like in Pokémon. The types include fire, devil, fighting, rock, electricity,
Tyson has also a "Power meter" powered by "POW" that goes down over time, requiring him to purchase items to restore it. This represents strain on his arms. If the meter runs dry, he faints and returns to his home of origins. IF you are pretty far into a location this means you have to travel back to the location.
Before each match, the player selects the order they wish to use each bit in, the match is done as a best 2 out of 3. They can choose from 6 Beyblades they have set, with 3 being chosen at choice. The same Beyblade can be set for all 3 rounds or the player can use a combination of any of their 6 Beyblades, the choice is up to the player.
At the start of the battle the player has a rip cord on the lower half of the screen which must be tapped at just the right timing with the "B" button. If the player taps too fast and the rip reaches the end they risk resetting the bar. It is often best to tap lightly until the last second and hit a extra tap or two to try for a strong launch.
During battle, a player controlled a spinning top, which they viewed from head downwards on the arena. The player was by default in attack mode, but could hold down a "sleep" button which caused the Beyblade to try to rest in the center of the arena. However, the Beyblades stats determine if this is a good idea, so some Beyblades are better off being on the offensive and others being in "sleep" mode (the games defensive mode). Each top has a slowly decaying spin cycle and when they knocked into each other, they bounced off each other. The arena itself had a boundaries line, hitting the barriers too many times would weaken the barriers until they gave way, at this point it was possible for either you or your foe's Beyblades to be knocked out of the arena, losing the round.
There are several ways to acquire new Beyblades, which are known by their Bit chip, different methods have to be used to acquire all the games Beyblades.
In regard to the Beyblade storage system, if Tyson has the full 6 Beyblades, he will need to get rid of one of his held Beyblades, of which he can just toss via a menu. Doing so will never get that Beyblade back, so the storage is vital to store access Beyblades to avoid losing them. This means players need to be careful with the Beyblades they carry and are best never to have the full 6 Beyblades on hand, leaving at least 1 in the WBA building storage.
Evolving bits also can happen either by levelling, or by applying certain crystals, something both. If the player applies the Crystal method to a bit that can also evolve into their next form, they can cause early evolution. Others involve trading with other players.
A certain number of the Bits, such as Kai's Frostic Dranzer, can never be acquired and only appear as recorded entries on the Bit chip book.
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