Lunar Legend (ルナレジェンド, Runa Rejendo) is a role-playing video game for Nintendo's Game Boy Advance developed by Japan Art Media and published internationally by Ubi Soft, who also provided the translation. It is a re-telling of the events of Lunar: The Silver Star with story and content changes. All the characters from the original game appear.
Lunar Legend plays very much like a traditional RPG, with 2D character sprites and environments. Unlike Lunar: The Silver Star, the battles do not consist of characters moving across the battlefield to attack enemies, instead having them retreat back to their original positions after attacking. The battles themselves are random, occurring every few steps within a dungeon or in scripted circumstances. By gaining experience after each fight, characters can level up, gaining new abilities and becoming stronger in the process. A new feature includes the use of special attacks akin to limit breaks via an "Arts gauge" underneath the character's HP and MP. It fills up as the character attacks enemies (whether or not the hit is successful) and once it's full, the character can unleash a powerful ability that generally does more damage than weapons or spells, or has a special effect such as rendering the party invincible for a short period of time. Ramus, Ghaleon and Laike, however, cannot unleash these special attacks.
Some of these special attacks can be changed by equipping certain items. For example, if Nash or Mia equip the Light Emblem accessory, it changes their special attacks to "Charge", which allows them to store magic power for one round. The next time they cast an attack spell, the damage is increased more than normal.
The player travels through the world of Lunar via the world map, visiting various towns, cities, and dungeons. Unlike The Silver Star, there are no random battles on the world map and each location is accessed by simply selecting it.