James Pond: Codename Robocod was released for the Game Boy Advance and PlayStation in 2003, the Nintendo DS in 2005, the PlayStation 2 in 2006, the PlayStation Network in 2009, and the Nintendo Switch in 2019. The handheld and PlayStation releases are identical except for the DS version, which features a map on the second screen. All these versions of the game are largely different from that of the original. The graphics have been improved to take advantage of the consoles' newer hardware, and while the levels retain some of the themes of the originals, their layout is entirely different. In the new versions, McVities' sponsorship branding has been removed from the game, and RoboCod must rescue Santa's elves, rather than penguins. In addition, the hidden levels have been omitted entirely. These recent iterations are remakes rather than ports of the original game.
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