Gunstar Super Heroes is a game released for the Game Boy Advance. It is a sequel, sometimes considered a remake, of Gunstar Heroes.
Treasure had previously worked on the console with the likes of Astro Boy: Omega Factor, which featured similar gameplay, though this new game featured more intense action and more of a challenge that the developers are known for. Gunstar Super Heroes is a sequel to Gunstar Heroes, which was released on the Sega Genesis long before this game was released.
Gunstar Heroes was the company's first game. To homage to the original game, many of the levels are similar, and many of the game's bosses will remind players of the original (Pinky Roader from the first game returns). The developers, however, have made the enemies and bosses this time around much more menacing-looking than before, one example being Golden Silver’s redesign, possibly due to the increased power of the GBA.