Kim Possible 2: Drakken's Demise is the second Kim Possible video game released for the Game Boy Advance. It was released on September 22, 2004, in North America and on July 21, 2005, in Japan. The game was developed by Artificial Mind and Movement and published by Disney Interactive.
The game places the player in the role of Kim to defeat Doctor Drakken, Shego, Duff Killigan, Gemini, and Falsetto Jones. Drakken's Demise is divided into four "episodes", most of which are sequels to episodes in the show's second season. The first episode, "True or Falsetto?", Falsetto Jones breaks out of prison and stages a theft to get revenge on Kim Possible for foiling his previous crime in Rufus in Show. In Altitude Attitude, Duff Killigan steals a weather machine and hides it in the mountains. Fortunately, he forgot to steal the instructions, too. This is similar to the TV episode Job Unfair, but also has the "Killer Snowmen" from Day of the Snowmen.
In The "Rufus" Factor, Ron asks Kim to help him find Rufus, who has been kidnapped by Gemini. This is a reference to the "Rufus Factor" epilogue in The Ron Factor. The last episode, Day of the Destructo-Bots, Drakken finishes his destructo-bots from Car Trouble and sends them on a rampage through Middleton. Kim has to stop them before her date with Josh Mankey. Naturally, Drakken doesn't make it easy, and neither does Shego, whom Kim must fight as well.