Cabela's Big Game Hunter 2005 Adventures is a 2004 hunting video game published by Activision Value for Microsoft Windows, Xbox, GameCube, PlayStation 2, and Game Boy Advance. It is also a backwards-compatible title for the Xbox 360. It is the first story-driven hunting adventure game.
In the Career mode, players progress through six geographical regions, each with several sub-levels: Forest, Marsh, Desert, Prairie, Mountain, and Tundra. Each sub-level has a specific animal to hunt, though some animals are hunted multiple times on separate occasions, and occasionally the player will encounter other objectives within a level. Money is earned along the way, which can be spent on more advanced firearms and other equipment. A few opportunities will arise for the player to win a gun by completing certain tasks. A total of 26 different animal species can be hunted in the game, including white-tailed deer, timberwolves, and peccary.
Other play modes include Quick Hunt, starting with one sub-level per region; other levels become available as they are completed in the Career mode, and Tournaments, including skeet shooting.
For full information on the console version of the 2005 Adventures, see Cabela's Big Game Hunter 2006 Trophy Season. The PC version of the 2006 Season is identical to the console version of the 2005 Adventures.