Bakuten Shoot Beyblade 2002 - Ikuze! Gekitou! Chou Jiryoku Battle! (爆転シュート ベイブレード2002 いくぜ!爆闘!超磁力バトル) was the sequel to Bakuten Shoot Beyblade - Gekitou! Saikyou Blader. It was released in 2002 in conjunction with the second series of the anime.
The game play is much the same, except the player plays as either Daichi or Tyson. Some fixes to the gameplay have occurred, and the art style is based on Beyblade: V-Force.
Parts still come in colours but all colours now have the same strength, unlike the previous game. Therefore it no longer matters if a attack ring is pink or green, it still has the same strength.
After defeating the game, other bladers can be unlocked. Completing the game further with these new bladers unlock more content.
The final blader of the game is once again Amo Karou.