Battle B-Daman (Japanese: B-伝説! バトルビーダマン 〜燃えろ!ビー魂!!〜, B-Densetsu! Batoru B-Daman: Moero! B-Tamashī!!, B-Legend! Battle B-Daman: Blaze! B-Spirits!!) is the first B-Daman video game to be released on the Nintendo Game Boy Advance portable gaming system. The game was released on August 5, 2004 in Japan and on July 25, 2006 worldwide.
This game plays like a first-person shooter during battles. There are two ways to battle in-game: Direct Hit Battle or B-Daman Invasion. One must press A to shoot whilst filling up the B-DaSpirit gauge. Whenever the D-Pad shape starts blinking along with the red triangles on whatever directions, one must press B and the desired direction of the red triangle simultaneously to fire a Special Attack. Special Attacks can be changed throughout the game by customizing your B-Daman. For example. whenever one equips a Aqua Booster on the back, the Special Attack will change to Rapid Wave, which fires 4 B-DaBalls at the opposing B-Daman.