This game is a graphic adventure. You are sent on a quest and your goal is to complete the task at hand. Along the way, you will pick up and use objects which aid in your quest. You'll talk to people ... you may even kill someone. Don't worry, you won't be killed in this game ... being such a stud an all. But that doesn't mean you shouldn't save often, which is always a good idea in a game such as this.
There are four basic icons you will see. Each represents a specific function. As you move your mouse around, the icons will change to the appropriate icon for the situation.
The pointer is the default icon. Use it to click on inventory items and other interface areas.
The hands are used to GET an item as well as LOOK at an item. Click on something to GET it, and read the message when you pass over an item to LOOK at it.
The walking icon indicates you can WALK to another area. Click to move to a new scene.
The mouth means you can TALK to that person. Click to start a conversation.
An innovative feature of this game is the THINK icon. Simply pass the cursor over Blackstar's head and his eyes will close as if he is deep in thought. Click while the eyes are closed and Blackstar will reveal his feelings about the scene or situation. Often his feelings might be onsidered hints.
To see your inventory of items, pass the cursor over Blackstar's coat and it will highlight. Click on the coat and whatever Blackstar is carrying will appear. Click on an item and it will appear in the inventory box. If you do not want to use something, move the cursor outside of the inventory area.
Click on the item in the inventory box and USE it on something or someone.Your cursor will change to that object until you attempt to use it.
To move around town, click on the Map icon and a map of the city will appear. Just click on a spot and if you are allowed to go there, you will now be there. Simple as that.
To Save, Restore, Quit or do other system functions, click on the Floppy icon and a menu will appear. Pick your choices from the menus which pop up. The Mouse menu changes the sensitivity of the mouse.
S = slow ... M = medium ... F = fast.
Don't forget that to clear the text, you must click the right mouse button. If you learn to do this properly, the game will play much smoother. Most text lines can be read over and over, so don't panic if you miss a message.
Remember to try anything. Talk to anyone you can. Go back to places again since you never know when something or someone will show up. As in real life, opportunities to gather information may only happen once, so if you feel something is important, write it down. If certain situations don't make sense, they will if you order Episode Two, although this game does have a specific quest to solve. That's about it. Please enjoy the game.